10 Questions for Engaging in the World in 2015

10 questions for 2015
10 questions for 2015

For me, 2014 was a year of deepening partnerships, both professionally (working closely with amazing colleagues) and personally (my first full year of marriage).  It was also a year of protest, as I joined hundreds of thousands of you in taking to the streets to decry climate change and to hold up the value of Black lives.

So as I looked toward 2015, I approached my annual New Year's reflection with an eye toward engaging in the world.

Here are some of the questions that are helping me think about the coming year.  I hope some of them are useful for you as well.

  1. What am I doing alone that I could do better in partnership with others?
  2. What do my values demand I do now?
  3. How can I live my conviction that Black Lives Matter?
  4. What’s clouding my vision for a better world?
  5. What is my community asking of me at this moment?
  6. Where do I need to show up more or less?
  7. What steps can I take to improve my own wellbeing and sustainability?
  8. With whom do I want to build new or stronger partnerships?
  9. What do I do that sparks joy in others?
  10. Who needs what I have to offer?

Happy New Year.

May it be one in which the world is able to benefit from your gifts!